Saturday, January 18
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Safety Leadership Training

In Safe Hands – To improve leadership in safety matters

Who for?Directors, Managers and Supervisors
Core OutcomesAn action plan for organisational strengths and weaknesses
Group Size10

Safety Leadership Training

An interactive workshop lasting one day which starts from the stand point that we have no right to injure anyone who works for us and that we must always manage our activities accordingly.

Managers and supervisors are reminded of their personal responsibilities under existing legislation and the consequences they may suffer if things go wrong. In ensuring health and safety, communication is a key element of any manager’s job.

By using a series of enjoyable exercises we demonstrate how health and safety can and will fail if we allow it to. Using hard hitting messages attendees are made aware of the consequences for any company and its staff when things go wrong regarding health and safety. The behaviour a manager displays falls into one of four categories and attendees explore how this influences the behaviour of their staff.

Managers must work to common standards to ensure that both safety and financial standards are met. The workshop puts over the point using a novel and interactive exercise. Attendees leave the workshop knowing where their organisational strengths and weaknesses lie. Importantly they go away with an action plan to resolve weakness and share strengths within the company.

We will price match all like for like training.