Monday, October 21
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Safety Leadership Coaching

Positive Safety Coaching – Develop effective coaching techniques

Who for?Directors, Managers and Supervisors
Core OutcomesImproved management skills in coaching and facilitating.
Group Size12

Develop Effective Coaching Techniques

iStock_000023877429MediumThe purpose of the one day workshop is to give the manager the tools to understand how safe an employee feels and to ensure any safety concerns are addressed.

This programme aims to develop the skills of leaders to apply effective coaching techniques. To ‘coach’ safety means to make it easy or, at best, less difficult to be safe.

We explore the opportunities you have to facilitate safety – the words you use (encouraging safe precautions, talking positively about safety), the behaviours you model (leading by example, making safety the way they do their work) and visible proactive action (removing or eliminating barriers to safe work).

The workshop uses a combination of group discussion, individual and group activities. With a clear focus on how to coach employees to improve safety performance. The method of questioning is one of enquiry rather than one of enforcement. Creating an interdependent environment where individuals from all levels and disciplines engage in genuine safety conversations.

The Positive Safety Coaching workshop will help managers and supervisors adapt and modify their personal style in discussing safety with employees and become aware of the effect they are having on their people, thus increasing the chance of successful planned and reactive safe visits.

We will price match all like for like training.