Saturday, July 27
DEAL WITH IT ! ® Safety Culture Consultancy & Training From Compliance to Commitment
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Why Choose The ‘Deal With It’ Safety Culture Team

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‘Deal With It’® is a training programme that will assist and complement your continuous improvement in line with your safety and performance objectives

This programme is a powerful and positive accident and injury prevention process designed to drive a positive safety culture by:

Decreasing the frequency of unsafe behaviour through:

  • Discussion of safety issues and concerns on a daily basis
  • Reinforcing safe behaviours and actions though positive feedback
  • Identifying near misses, unsafe conditions and their root causes
  • Removing barriers for communicating safety issues or concerns
  • Learning how to see and learning to act promptly on any unsafe or hazardous conditions – Deal with it NOW, not later

Designed to build a strong safety culture through focusing on:

  • Proactive actions rather than reactive actions
  • Key is preventing accidents instead of reacting to an incident after it has occurred

Employee involvement and engagement at all levels:

  • Working together as a TEAM to prevent accidents
  • All employees, regardless of level, take ownership of their own behaviour and safety, as well as commit to protecting others in the workplace
  • Build a common safety language
  • Communication and cooperation
  • Move from compliance to commitment driven
  • Incorporation of health and safety into operational excellence

Speak to our Training Consultants T: 01928 515977 for further information.


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