Saturday, January 18
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What are the Benefits (& Drawback’s) of ‘Safety Champions’

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In recent years we have received and worked with organisations who are developing ‘Safety Champions’ teams and when implemented correctly they can have a favourable impact on a company’s organisational culture.

I must emphasise ‘when implemented correctly’.

Being a “safety champion” can have an influential and positive effect on overall employee welfare and workplace safety. However, there is a difference between championing an issue and being the champion of that issue. One puts the issue first, and the other puts the champion first. Within the context of workplace safety the concern is that having safety champions could do more harm than good. The primary concern is that having champions can do strange and undesirable things to power and responsibility within the workplace that can undermine front line workers and shifts responsibility for safety towards the champion.

Being a safety champion is more of a vocation, where they are trained to engage and connect with the goal of listening to and learning about each other (learning soft skills to support this). That supports the function of the Health & Safety team.

The main role of the Champion is to assist management in the implementation of the cultural change programme, ensuring there is effective communication between management and operating teams and also to build trust and encourage involvement from everyone.

The Champion role is supported by the CEO or MD and every member of the Senior and Supervisory Leadership team.

In reality frontline workers should feel empowered to handle risks. They should feel valued, engaged, and knowledgeable about safety. In workplaces, where trust and connection are strong, employees freely share concerns without needing reminders about safety importance. These environments also promote resilience and enhance collaboration and job satisfaction.

‘Champions’ are there to assist in improving your safety culture.

When, implemented correctly……………

Want to know more?

Contact Neil on: 01928 515977


#safetychampions #safetyculture #safetyleadership #safetydifferently


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